Enhancing Life. Excelling in Care.
In the era we live in, physical and psychological well-being are closely linked and reflect each other, so being satisfied with our image gives us a more confident and positive attitude and helps to strengthen the consideration we have of ourselves. we. Our appearance increasingly says who we are; when we look at ourselves in the mirror we want to see a face, a breast, a body that satisfies us; we dream of seeing ourselves on the outside as we feel on the inside. We all dream of the dimension of tailor-made beauty that enhances our qualities, to improve our lives, even when time passes inexorably. Cosmetic surgery can be of great help, as long as it is understood in a correct and balanced dimension.
The Operational Unit deals with:
Surgical Facial Treatments
Perfect features, but also proportionate to all the facial parameters. More compact and smooth skin, without blemishes (nerves, capillaries, rosacea) and signs of aging (wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin).
Facial Liposuction
The operation aims to remove excess fat present in the face and neck, bringing the lines that define the profile back to the right definition. The accumulation of fat in the cervico-facial region, in fact, with the characteristic appearance of a double chin and the loss of its natural contours, is not only a characteristic of overweight people, but is common in men and women around at forty years of age. This condition determines a heavy and aged facial appearance that is not consistent with a state of rest or with chronological age.
The eyes with the periorbital region are the most important and expressive organ of the face, but they are also the area that first shows the signs of age. A personal and family predisposition causes upper and lower fat bags in young people – pseudo hernias of the orbital fat due to weakening of the orbital septum -; in middle-aged or older people, the loss of elasticity not only of the skin, but also of the orbital septum and the orbicularis muscle becomes progressive with the appearance of a redundant fold of skin above until the disappearance of the palpebral sulcus due to “hernia” of fat and possible prolapse of the lacrimal gland. Inferiorly, the aging process begins with the very thin network of wrinkles that surrounds the eyelids in the external area and continues with the appearance of excess skin and herniated fat that fills the orbito-palpebral sulcus.